Insurance Coverage
Vehicle Transport
Motorbike Transport
Watercraft Transport
Exotic Car Transport
Replacement Parts
Experience seamless vehicle relocation with Slampi, an Irish-based transport company. From cars to motorcycles, boats, and vans, we handle it all. Choose from open or enclosed transport for long-distance moves, online transactions, or specialty vehicles. Our exclusive transport service ensures added security and tailored scheduling. Let us manage the logistics and paperwork for a safe and reliable delivery. Your car’s journey is our responsibility.
I am Slampi,
owner of an Irish-based vehicle transport company specializing in vehicle shipping services. Our primary focus is facilitating the seamless movement of vehicles for both individuals and businesses, encompassing a wide range of vehicle types, from cars and motorcycles to boats and vans. Additionally, we extend our services to include the transportation of vehicle parts.
Our vehicle transport options encompass various methods, including open transport and enclosed transport, the latter involving the use of an enclosed trailer for enhanced protection. This mode of transport is particularly favored for long-distance moves, online vehicle transactions, and the transportation of specialized vehicles
I’m on the journey, bearing the traces of countless kilometers traveled.
Furthermore, we offer dedicated transport services, an exclusive offering from our company. With this service, a designated carrier is assigned exclusively to transport either a single vehicle or a set of vehicles for a specific customer. This ensures that the carrier is solely committed to the designated vehicles, without sharing space with other customers or carrying additional cargo during the journey. Dedicated vehicle transport is especially chosen for high-value or highly sensitive vehicles, or when precise scheduling and heightened security measures are imperative. While it may involve a higher cost compared to shared transport options, it guarantees a superior level of customization and attentiveness to the unique requirements of the customer.
Rest assured, we manage all logistical aspects to ensure the safe and reliable delivery of your vehicles. Additionally, we handle all necessary paperwork for the export or import process, providing a comprehensive service to meet your transportation needs.
Vehicle Transport
While ensuring the secure delivery of vehicles, we also handle the administrative tasks and border management.
Get a Shipping QuoteTransport of large volumes of vehicles
Customized large-volume vehicle delivery or parts delivery for corporate customers.
Get a Shipping QuoteExotic cars
Replacement Parts
If sourcing spare parts from abroad becomes challenging for you, we offer reliable delivery services.
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